Atajo de Navegación:

Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones

Who we are?

The Federal Telecommunications Institute is an autonomous body (link). Its overriding aim is to promote and regulate competition and efficient development of telecommunications and broadcasting in Mexico, in accordance with the Constitution and in the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law (link). In order to comply this, it must regulate, promote and supervise the use, development and exploitation of:

  • Radio spectrum
  • Orbital resources
  • Satellite services
  • Public telecommunications networks
  • Provision of broadcasting and telecommunications services

as well as,

  • Access to passive and active infrastructure

Furthermore, it is the authority in economic competition matters in broadcasting and telecommunications sectors.

The Plenary (link) is the governmental body of the Institute, and it is composed by seven Commissioners, the President included.

The IFT integration took place on September, 10, 2013 (link), arising from the Constitutional Reform to article sixth in telecommunications matters.



The Federal Telecommunications Institute is an autonomous body whose purpose is the efficient development of telecommunications and broadcasting. It regulates, promotes and monitors the use, benefits and exploitation of the radio spectrum, infrastructure, networks and service provision.



To be a regulating authority, with independent competition, effective and transparent, that contributes to the telecommunications and broadcasting growth, to the advance of information society and knowledge, as well as to the improvement of life quality and opportunities of development for all Mexican people.


Institutional Objectives:

  1. Contribute to freedom of expression and the right to information, promoting plurality and diversity in telecommunications and broadcasting services.
  2. Guarantee free competition, as well as to eliminate restrictions to convergence and innovation of telecommunications and broadcasting services.
  3. Promote universal access to telecommunications and broadcasting services in conditions of quality, competitive prices and safety.
  4. Regulate and oversee, effectively and timely, the use and exploitation of radio spectrum, networks, and telecommunications and broadcasting services.
  5. Protect the rights of users and hearings in matters of telecommunications and broadcasting services.
  6. To be an effective, impartial and transparent regulator through improved management practices.



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2025 Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones - Algunos Derechos Reservados
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