Public consultation for integration to collect useful information for the design of “Spectrum Efficiency Metrics”
Considering Articles 15, section XLVIII, 54, section IV, and 298, item D), section VII of the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law (LFTR); as well as 31, section I, of the Statutory Charter of the Federal Telecommunications Institute (the Institute), the Radioelectric Spectrum Unit (UER), substantive Unit of the Institute, convinced of the importance and relevance of transparency in the new regulations making process, will receive contributions from any interested party that may help it to design and prepare the Spectrum Efficiency Metrics.
This way, this public consultation is aimed to collect information, comments and/or opinions from the academy, the industry and the general public that may help it in the decision-making process to design Spectrum Efficiency Metrics, which will be mandatory, as well as their measurement methodologies to enable their quantification.
The documents that will be made available to interested parties to carry out this public consultation will be the following:
a) Reference study: “Spectrum Efficiency Measurement. Definitions and aspects to be observed for its application in Mexico”.
b) Form to participate in the public consultation.
Launching Day
November 30, 2018Public Consultation Period
From December 03, 2018 to January 29, 2019(30 business days)Public Consultation Guidelines
The Institute makes available to all those interested in participating in this consultation process the reference study called “Spectrum Efficiency Measurement. Definitions and considerations to be observed for its application in Mexico”.It is important to state that this exercise does not seek to subject the reference study itself to consultation, but the matters and questions that may arise from reading and understanding the study. So, it is necessary to first read the study to contribute later with opinions, comments and/or contributions arising from the response of (some) the 29 questions shown in the form to participate in this consultation.
For this purpose, the Institute, through the UER, will receive the comments, opinions and/or contributions related to this consultation for integration through electronic mail address, or through a document submitted to the Common Filing Office of the Institute, located in Insurgentes Sur 1143, colonia Nochebuena, Alcaldía Benito Juárez, zip code 03720 Mexico City, Mexico; Monday thru Thursday, from 9:00 to 18:30 hours and Friday from 9:00 to 15:00 hours.
Both the reference study and the form to participate in the consultation are available for download at the top of the right column of this section, so that it may be answered and submitted to the Institute in accordance with the preceding paragraph.
The information submitted to the Institute by the interested parties, in accordance with the times and terms described herein, relating to this consultation process, will not be binding, without prejudice that the Institute may evaluate it in a document reflecting the results of such consultation, which will be published in this section.
To the purpose of ensuring a better accessibility and inclusion in its public consultation processes, the Institute makes available to all interested parties the documents and information on this consultation process, in different formats (this is, .docx and .pdf files) to facilitate their handling, reading and voice decoding. Also, the documents related to the public consultation have been made available to the interested parties in Spanish and English, to encourage international participation. While this public consultation for integration is active, all receive the comments, opinions and/or contributions received will be available in the web sites (English and Spanish).
The following contacts are available to all interested parties, to direct any questions, comments or concerns about this consultation process to the Institute: Gerardo Martínez Cruz, Assistant Director of Spectrum Engineering, electronic mail:, phone number (55) 5015 4577 and Roberto Carlos Castro Jaramillo, Director of Engineering and Technology, electronic mail:, phone number (55) 5015 4740, who will be available during the same business hours as the Institute’s Filing Office .
In case of any discrepancy on the accessibility of this section, please contact us by phone at 01 (800) 2000120, or to the following electronic mail addresses or, so that within a term of 72 hours following reception of your petition, the corresponding document and information be sent to you in an accessible format.
Applicable provisions
Upon conclusion of this consultation process, the Institute will not receive any more comments, opinions or contributions, since this process will be deemed as finalized and closed.
In case that the information related to this consultation process is submitted to the Institute in behalf of another person, either a legal entity or an individual, a simple copy of the document to accredit such representation shall be attached electronically, otherwise, the request will be understood and recorded in this section as being submitted in the sender’s own behalf.
Any information unrelated to the subject of this consultation process will not be considered or published.
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Comments, opinions and answers received
All information, comments, opinions, contributions or other analysis elements received by the Institute in relation to this Public Consultation will be fully published in its Internet portal, in accordance with the Eighth item of the Guidelines for Public Consultation and Regulatory Impact Analysis of the Federal Telecommunications Institute and, in this sense, they will be invariably considered public except for the provisions of the Federal Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information as well as the General Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and the General Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Data of the Public Sector.
In accordance with the “Resolution by which the Governing Board of the Federal Telecommunications Institute approves its annual ordinary meetings calendar and the annual work calendar for 2018 and the beginning of 2019”, the Institute will be closed for business during the following days: December 20, 21, from 24 to 28, and 31, 2018, and January 1 to 4, 2019, including all Saturdays and Sundays, which are non-business days.
While the Institute is closed for business, you may submit your comments, opinions and contributions related to this public consultation through the electronic mail enabled for such effects, and they will be received and recorded by this autonomous constitutional agency, from January 7, 2019, in accordance with article 29, third paragraph, of the Federal Administrative Procedure Law.
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