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Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones

Mario Germán Fromow Rangel

Comisionado por el periodo

 Septiembre de 2013

 Febrero 2021

Mario Germán Fromow Rangel has professional experience of over 20 years in both the public and private sectors at national and international level in technology, public policy and telecommunications and broadcasting regulation.

He is a Communications and Electronics Engineer by Instituto Politécnico Nacional and has a Master of Science in Engineering from Keio University in Japan.

He was investigator on Optical Communications Laboratories of Research and Technology Development of the Japanese company Kokusai Denshin Denwa and Associate Researcher at the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

He was a member of the Institute of Communications Engineering, Computer Science and Electronics of Japan. Worked as General Manager of Regulation "B" and Chairman of the National Advisory Committee on Telecommunications Standards in the Federal Telecommunications Commission.

He participated as Jefe Alterno of the Delegación Mexicana con Pleno Poder to sign ad referendum the Final Acts of the World Conference on International Telecommunications in 2012.

He was also Project Coordinator of the Secretariat of Communications of the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation.

Reunión Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP)

Tema o Asunto a Tratar

Avance de las negociaciones del TPP 2013.

Breve descripción de la actividad

Reunión sobre avances del Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP)

Persona física solicitante

Lic. Juan Antonio Dorantes, Director General de Reglas de Comercio Internacional

Empresa/organización solicitante
Secretaría de Economía
Asistentes al encuentro

Lic. Juan Antonio Dorantes, Director General de Reglas de Comercio Internacional Lic. Fernando Portugal, Secretaría de Economía Lic. Silvia Alanís, Coordinación de Estrategia Digital Nacional, Presidencia de la República

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