Atajo de Navegación:

Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones

María Elena Estavillo Flores

Comisionado por el periodo

 Septiembre 2013

 Febrero 2019

Ma. Elena Flores Estavillo has a degree in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey as well as a Master in Mathematical Economics and a PhD in Economics from the University of Paris X Nanterre, France.

She served as managing partner of Aequum consulting (civil association), where she provided advice on competition and economic regulation to public and private entities, and has served as an expert in competition and economy. In the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation she served as Directora General Adjunta de Política de Telecomunicaciones and as advisor to the Secretary of Transportation in regulatory issues. She held the position of Directora General Adjunta de Investigaciones y de Concentraciones in the Federal Competition Commission and Directora de Análisis Económico Regional at the Ministry of Social Development. She was the coordinator of the ITAM Posgraduate in Competition and professor of economic competition, network industries and public policy at the UIA, ITAM and ITESM.

2024 Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones - Algunos Derechos Reservados
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