Atajo de Navegación:

Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones

Gabriel Oswaldo Contreras Saldívar

Comisionado por el periodo

 Septiembre de 2013

 Febrero 2020

Commissioner Contreras Saldivar is a lawyer by Escuela Libre de Derecho and has a Master degree in Law, Economics and Public Policies from the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset, Spain.

 He served as Consejero Adjunto de Legislación y Estudios Normativos at the Legal Counsel of the Federal Executive, where he also held the positions of Consejero Adjunto de Consulta y Estudios Constitucionales from September 2009 to November 2012, and Consejero Adjunto de Control Constitucional y de lo Contencioso from December 2005 to January 2007.

 He was Technical Secretary for the Presidency of the Republic, Director General Jurídico de Normatividad y Consulta at the Bank Savings Protection Institute, Director of Liaison with health, education, labor, fiscal and financial sectors in the Federal Commission of Regulatory Improvement, and Director of International Legal Assistance Attorney General's Office.

He is professor at the Escuela Libre de Derecho since 2009, teaching courses related to administrative, constitutional and civil rights, among others.

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